Clauses | Types of Clauses | English Grammars

Hi friends, here you will learn how to identify clauses of English grammars easily. You will learn types of clauses in this post with the help of some examples to understand it easily. Let’s start today’s topic.

Meaning of Clause:

Clause is a group of words which forms parts of a sentence, and contain a subject and a finite verb.


1. He said that it was so terrible thing.

2. Write whatever you want.

3. This is the boy who has stolen my pen.


Types of Clauses:

  1. Principal Clause
  2. Co-ordinate Clause
  3. Sub-ordinate Clause
3. Sub-ordinate Clause: Types
  1. Noun Clause
  2. Adjective Clause
  3. Adverb Clause

   1. Noun Clause:

Noun clause starts with ‘that,whats,who,whom,whose,where,when,if,whether,which,etc.


  1. Where he lives is not known to me.
  2. When he will come is uncertain.
  3. He said that the sun rises in the east.
  4. What he said is right.
  5. She says that it is against her conscience.
  6. Do what I tell you.
  7. Hirachand told Birbal what had happened.
  8. He told him how pleased he was.
  9. What dose he say.
  10. It seems that he would not pass.
  11. All remember is that they were all memorable.

2. Adjective Clause:

Adjective clause starts with who,which,that,where,when,etc.



  1. He is the boy who has stolen my pen.
  2. This is the place where he lived.
  3. I know the reason why she failed.
  4. I know the time when he will come.
  5. Avoid such students who waste their time.
  6. He is the man whom we all respect.
  7. He said in a thunder voice that made me tremble.
  8. Perhaps they are guided by shadows that they make on the ground.
  9. It was a masterly hit which got the bull’s eye.
  10. They gave me everything which I could think of.

To learn types of clauses watch my video:

3. Adverb Clause

Adverb clause modifies adjective, verb and adverb of the sentence.

Adverb Clause of Time:

  1. Dhira lost his father when he was very young.
  2. When man gives up anger, he is full of peace.
  3. When milk is heated some of the water in the milk evaporates.
  4. As he was strolling through the garden, he came across a huge mango tree.
  5. He roared as he rode through the streets.
  6. As he bent down Yudhishthira heard the yakha’s warning voice.
  7. As he did so his jeep was hit by a high explosive shell.
  8. He walked on for a distance until he came to a pool.
  9. Wait till I call you.
  10. While he was struggling to get up dhira was back with the two police men.
  11. Before they could stop him tell seized his cross bow.
Adverb Clause of Place:
  1. Where there is will there is a way.
  2. We followed the pair wherever they went.
  3. The air is hot where there is a desert.
  4. I feel happy wherever I live.
Adverb Clause of Reason:
  1. I shall have him executed because he has made me suffer.
  2. Her husband was much worried because she did not want their children to be vaccinated.
  3. At first, he was angry that she did not notice him.
  4. Everyone was happy that this gang had at last been caught.
  5. Our memory is weak since it is picture oriented.
  6. As he was ill he was absent yesterday.
Adverb Clause of Purpose:
  1. She worked hard that she may pass.
  2. I ran very fast so that I could catch the bus.
  3. He works hard so that he may pass the examination.
  4. He drew his sword that he might defend himself.
  5. Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
Adverb Clause of Result:
  1. He worked so hard that he won the prize.
  2. I am so poor that I cannot buy all the books.
  3. The box is so heavy that one cannot lift it.
  4. The class was so noisy that nothing could be heard.
  5. Ramesh is such a good boy that all love him.
  6. So called was it that many died.


Adverb Clause of Manner:
  1. As you sow so you will reap.
  2. Do as you please.
  3. He talked as if he were mad.
Adverb Clause of Comparison:
  1. Hair is as good as Ravi.
  2. He runs faster than rams.
  3. She is older than she looks.
  4. He is better than I.
  5. The more you have, the more you want.
  6. The older you grow, the wiser you become.
Adverb Clause of Condition:
  1. Hair is as good as Ravi.
  2. He runs faster than rams.
  3. She is older than she looks.
  4. He is better than I.
  5. The more you have, the more you want.
  6. The older you grow, the wiser you become.
Adverb Clause of Supposition:
  1. Although he is poor, he is honest.
  2. Though he is a little child, he is very intelligent.
  3. Even if it seems bad, I will buy it.
  4. However hard he may work, he cannot stand first.


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