Use of Some Preposition | Preposition |English Grammars

Hi friends, today we are going to learn English Grammar use of some preposition. It is part of parts of speech


1. At


  1. Ram came at six o’clock.
  2. My brother lives at Allahabad.
  3. She went there at noon.
  4. The taxi run is full speed .

2. On


  1. I came on Tuesday.
  2. The book is on the table.
  3. The hearing upon the board is only Tuesday.

3. In


  1. He came in June.
  2. I saw him in the evening.
  3. She is in the room.
  4. You are in good health.


4. Into


  1. He walked into the room.
  2. Ramesh fell into the river.


5. With


  1. He came with you.
  2. I write with a pen.
  3. He passed the examination with good marks.
  4. The boys are running with their friends.


6. From


  1. I traveled from in India to America.
  2. He got this book from Sandeep.
  3. They move from door to door.
  4. I am free from danger.
  5. I know him form my childhood.
  6. She is suffering from fever.
  7. Mumbai is far from Delhi.


7. To


  1. He went to school.
  2. Ram has gone to market.
  3. This road goes to Annapur.
  4. She wrote a letter to me.



8. By


  1. He was sitting by the fire.
  2. They came her by 6 o’clock.
  3. I came by bus.
  4. He came by train.
  5. What is time by your watch?
  6. He was helped by his friend.



9. Of


  1. Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra.
  2. This is pen of ram.
  3. He is man of high scholarship.
  4. He died of cholera.
  5. What is the prince of this pen.
  6. He is a man of courage.


10. For


  1. This book is for Rahul.
  2. He has been absent for a month.
  3. She was crying for help.
  4. How much did you pay for your shoes.
  5. I started for Mumbai.
  6. We left for Delhi.
  7. I bought this book for my son.


11. Over


  1. The bird, flew over my head.
  2. The sun is hot over head.
  3. He lived here over a week.
  4. The match is over.


12. Under


  1. The dog is sitting under the table.
  2. They had worked under me.
  3. If should be kept under lock and key.
  4. He is under suspension.
  5. You are under a wrong impression.

13. About


  1. He is careless about his duties.
  2. It is about lunch hour.
  3. It is about time to get up.



14. After


  1. She came after Christmas.
  2. We went out after lunch.
  3. She will go home the day after tomorrow.
  4. This is poem after Milton.
  5. He worked hard after day to day.



15. Above


  1. The birds are flying above the trees.
  2. He has no roof above his head.
  3. He is above suspicion.
  4. There is a bridge above the river .



16. Between


  1. Shyam stands between ram and Sohan.
  2. It is between me and her.



17. Among


  1. Divide this mango among the four boys.
  2. Seema is among the girls.



18. Against


  1. He is against this proposal.
  2. Put a ladder against the tree.




19. At


  1. He will reach at 7 o’clock.
  2. Ravi came at noon
  3. They are at home.
  4. She is at school.


20. Besides / Besides


  1. Our house is beside the post office.
  2. He sat beside me.
  3. Besides Hindi he knows many other language.



21. Before


  1. He will come back before sunset.
  2. He stood before the judge.



22. Behind


  1. He is running behind the money.
  2. My house is behind the hospital.



23. Through


  1. I had to march through the forest.
  2. He passed through many difficulties.
  3. I have gone through this book.
  4. I have got this book through this library.
  5. He has got through the examination successfully.



24. Towards


  1. He has gone toward the bus station.
  2. We should be kind toward the poor.
  3. We must contribute toward the building of the nation.
  4. Toward morning his temperature came down.



25. Beyond


  1. Holy temple is beyond that mountains.
  2. One dose not want to work beyond office hours.



26. During


  1. I went to Kolkata during Pooja vacation.
  2. He will go to Delhi during the summer.



27. Across


  1. I will just across the road.
  2. There is a bridge across the river.



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