Types of Pronoun | Kinds of Pronoun | Parts of Speech | English Grammars

Here, you will learn types of pronoun of English Grammars. Pronoun is the kinds of parts of speech. Pronoun is the word used instead of noun. There are 11 types of pronoun. Here we shall see kinds of pronoun and some examples, so you can understand them.


Types of Pronoun:
  1. Personal pronoun
  2. Possessive pronoun
  3. Reflexive pronoun
  4. Emphatic pronoun
  5. Demonstrative pronoun
  6. Interrogative pronoun
  7. Indefinite pronoun
  8. Relative pronoun
  9. Distributive pronoun
  10. Exclamatory pronoun
  11. Reciprocal pronoun
1. Personal pronoun

‘ I, we, you,he,she,it,they ‘ are examples of personal pronoun.

  1. I am a boy.
  2. She is a girl.
  3. It is a doll.
  4. They are playing in the garden.
  5. We have done my work.


2. Possessive Pronoun 

His,her,mine,ours, yours,theirs are possessive pronoun.

  1. This book is yours.
  2. This pen is here.
  3. That shirt is mine.
  4. This country is ours.
3. Reflexive Pronoun

Myself,himself, herself,themselves are reflexive pronoun.

  1. He spoiled himself.
  2. I hurt myself.
4. Emphatic Pronoun
  1. He himself went there.
  2. She herself said so.
5. Demonstrative Pronoun

This, these, that,those,one,ones are demonstrative pronoun.

  1. This is your book.
  2. These are your pens.
  3. That is my book.
  4. Those are our books.
6. Interrogative pronoun

Who,what,which,whom,whose are interrogative pronoun.

  1. Who has stolen my pen?
  2. What is your name?
  3. Which is your book?
  4. Whom do you like most?
  5. Whose is this book?
7.  Indefinite pronoun

One,no one,nobody,none,some,any,all are indefinite pronoun.

  1. One knows that honesty is the best policy.
  2. Nobody will like this.


8. Relative Pronoun

Who,which,that,as,but are relative pronoun.

  1. The book who labors hard, gets success.
  2. This is the book that cost fifty rupees.
  3. The men whose life is simple are happy.
  4. He has bought a watch which is very costly.
9. Distributive pronoun

Each,either,neither are distributive pronoun.

  1. Each of the two girls has a pen.
  2. Neither of the students is intelligent.
  3. Either of the statements is true.
10. Exclamatory Pronoun
  1. What! He is a robber.
  2. What! He has not done the work so far.
11. Reciprocal pronoun

Each other,one another are reciprocal pronoun.

  1. The two girls help each other.
  2. They help one another.













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