English Grammars Quiz #3

Created on By starlightacademy5@gmail.com

English Grammars Quiz #3

With the help of English Grammars Quiz you can enjoy as well as learn. So play now !

1 / 10

Q.1. She will meet me tomorrow.  ( use going to)

2 / 10

Q.2. Ram said to me, “What is your father?”  (Narration)

3 / 10

Q.3. She can not do that work. (Use unable to)

4 / 10

Q.4. She did not write anything.  ( Make it affirmative)

5 / 10

Q.5. The pen is …. the table.  (use preposition)

6 / 10

Q.6. She likes tea. She likes coffee. (Not only ….but also)

7 / 10

Q.7. She is going to buy something.  ( infinitive)

8 / 10

Q.8. She might meet me.  ( modal auxiliary )

9 / 10

Q.9. What a beautiful girl she is ! (Types of sentence)

10 / 10

Q.10. This is the book which was stolen.   ( Types of clause)

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One thought on “English Grammars Quiz #3

  • November 16, 2020 at 9:12 am

    Sir very easy questions.


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