Related Word |Mahesh Prajapati|English Grammar

Hello friends, here you will learn how to make related word of the given word. In related word you have to write adjective or describing word of that word.

Questions for your Practice:

  1. flower :- …………………………………………….
  2. good :-…………………………………………………..
  3. walk :————————————————-
  4. person: —————————————–
  5. music :—————————————————
  6. girl :———————————————–
  7. apple: —————————————————–
  8. beauty :———————————————-
  9. country:—————————————————
  10. sensible :——————————————-
  11. rescue: —————————————————
  12. bank:——————————————
  13. idea: ——————————————–
  14. write: —————————
  15. nature : ————————————————-
  16. monument :————————————–
  17. sing :————————————–
  18. hot: —————————————-
  19. cold :————————————

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