English Grammar Quiz Sunday

Created on By Mahesh Prajapati

English Grammar Quiz

1 / 20

''Please open up my eyes dear lords.'' (POETIC DEVICES)

2 / 20

The tourist said, ''What a lovely sight it is!'' (Direct and Indirect speech)

3 / 20

I am trying to bring love back. (Add a Question Tag)

4 / 20

No sooner di I finished my work than I help my mother. (As soon as)

5 / 20

As soon as it stops raining. we shall go out for a walk. (No sooner--than)

6 / 20

The king was rich, the king was power full too. (Not only...but aslo....)

7 / 20

The dog generally ..... at a stranger. (TENSES)

8 / 20

He had a vacant plot ...... land a little away...... houses. (Prepositions)

9 / 20

A storm in a tea cup, (Idioms Words.)

10 / 20

Make hay while the sun shines. (Conjunctions)

11 / 20

He works hard for his living. (Types Of Sentence.)

12 / 20

''Decision, I must take.'' (POETIC DEVICES.)

13 / 20

The teacher was watching the drama. (Active and Passive Voice)

14 / 20

The event was very exciting. (Exclamatory Sentence.)

15 / 20

The well is dry. (Negative Alternatives.)

16 / 20

Please don't waste your time in unnecessary things. (Types Of Sentences.)

17 / 20

'Possible' (Prefix)

18 / 20

'achieve' (Suffix)

19 / 20

Radha said to Sudha lets go to the library. (Punctuation)

20 / 20

mother, baby, unsteady, almost ( Alphabetical Order)

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