Forms of Verb | Quiz | English Grammars

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Forms of Verb Quiz

This quiz is fully based on Forms of Verb, so first go through the forms of verb then test yourself by playing the quiz.

1 / 10

Q. Present Participle form of Weep ?

2 / 10

Q. What is past form of Quit?

3 / 10

Q. Meaning of the verb tread?

4 / 10

Q. Present Participle of slip?

5 / 10

Q. Past participle of sew ?

6 / 10

Q. What is past participle of spin?

7 / 10

Q. Write the past simple form of Tear.

8 / 10

Q. Base form of spread ?

9 / 10

q. What is past participle of Seek.

10 / 10

Q. Write the base form form of Caught.

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